How to find Unfinished Large Files in your account How to find Unfinished Large Files in your account

How to find Unfinished Large Files in your account

Lin Lin

An unfinished large file is any file that has not completed its upload to your bucket. This can sometimes cause the overview of a bucket to display as a larger size than what is shown in the bucket's contents. To locate unfinished large files in your account, please do the following:


1. Log in to your account, and navigate to the page labeled "Buckets" on the left-hand side of your screen under the heading "B2 Cloud Storage"




2. On your Buckets page, select the link for "Unfinished Large Files" in the bucket you wish to inspect.




3. Clicking this will give you a popup that will display the number of unfinished large files in the bucket and the overall size of all unfinished large files in the bucket. If you wish to delete the unfinished large files in the bucket, click the text at the bottom of the popup which reads, "You can delete unfinished large files on the Browse Files page"




4. Once on the Browse Files section for your bucket, you can locate the unfinished large file, check the box next to it, and select the "Delete" option at the top of the screen to remove this file.



To find out more about B2 large files, please see our B2 doc found here.