Quickstart Guide for Server Backup with B2 and MSP360 MBS (formerly CloudBerry) Quickstart Guide for Server Backup with B2 and MSP360 MBS (formerly CloudBerry)

Quickstart Guide for Server Backup with B2 and MSP360 MBS (formerly CloudBerry)

Ray Ray

Welcome to our Quickstart guide for Backblaze B2 and MSP360 Managed Backup Service (MBS). With Backblaze B2 and MSP360 MBS, you will be able to automate your server backups and secure them offsite. This guide will walk you through the required steps to set up MSP360 MBS to back up multiple servers.


If you are interested in backing up a single server, please use our single server MSP360 CloudBerry guide.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Backblaze B2 Account

To start, you will need to create a Backblaze B2 account. You can do this by clicking this link to our server backup page and clicking the red “Start Now” button.


You should be given the choice to select a “Single Server” or “Multiple Servers”. Since this guide covers the multiple server backup, we will be clicking on “Multiple Servers”. 


You will then need to choose the email address and password and Region you wish to use for your Backblaze B2 account.



Once you have entered your desired email and password (and Region), click on the red “Create Accounts” button. This will create your Backblaze B2 account, as well as your MSP360 MBS (Managed Backup Service) account.


Step 2: Creating Application Keys


Next, we will need to create Application Keys on your newly created Backblaze B2 account. These keys will allow your MSP360 MBS account to connect with your Backblaze B2 bucket in order to start backing up your data.


Click on the “I’m Ready to Get Started. Take Me to My Backblaze Account.” link. You will be brought to the “Buckets” page. To create an Application Key, click on the “App Keys” link in the left navigation menu and click the “Add a New Application Key” button.


Type in the desired name of the key in the “Name of Key:” field. Leave the rest of the settings unchanged. Now click on the blue “Create New Key” button to create the new key that we will be using with the CloudBerry Backup client (CloudBerry Backup is the software that Managed Backup Service uses to configure your backups). 


Once you have created the key, it will appear in a blue section (seen below). As you can see, the key will only be shown here once (refreshing or leaving this page will cause the key to not display again). It is advisable to save the key credentials offline in a safe place before leaving this page. Rest assured that you can easily create another application key entirely should you lose access to this one. Note: If you lose access to a previous key, we recommend deleting it and creating a new one.

NOTE: The bucket creation will be done in the following steps within the CloudBerry application itself. When this is done, object lock will automatically be enabled on the B2 bucket upon creation using the CloudBerry application. 


Step 3: Accessing the MSP360 Managed Backup Service Web Interface to Start Backing Up Your Servers


After you have successfully created your Application Key, we can now move onto the next part of this guide which will walk you through how to access the MBS Web Interface and set up the MSP360 CloudBerry Backup Client.


Start by accessing the email inbox of the email address you used to create your Backblaze account. You should find the following message from <backblaze@cloudberrylab.com>.


This message contains your login credentials for the MBS web interface.


Upon logging into your MSP360 MBS account, you will be presented with 3 choices. For this guide, we will select the “Servers and Workstations” option.


After selecting Servers and Workstations, you will be prompted to download the MSP360 CloudBerry client installer.


Once you have successfully downloaded the installer, you can install it by clicking on the installer.


You should then see the following installation wizard:


Choose where you would like to install the CloudBerry Backup client and click “Install”.


Once CloudBerry Backup has been successfully installed, click “Finish”.


After the installation has completed, the MBS Web Interface should automatically detect your new installation and proceed to the next step which involves creating a bucket and adding your application keys.


NOTE: Object Lock will automatically be enabled on the bucket that is created using this method. 



After choosing a bucket name (bucket name must be globally unique) and entering your Application Key and Key ID, click Next. You will need to select the data which you want to back up. In this case, it presents choices of which drives to include in this backup job.


Once you have selected the source data you wish to back up, click Next.


NOTE: If you would like to do an image-based backup, you can find detailed steps for it in MSP360’s guide here.



This step allows you to enable/disable email notifications pertaining to backups. Once you are ready, click Run Backup to finish the backup creation process.


You should then be brought to the MSP360 MBS dashboard which gives you an overview of your backups, their statuses of those backups, your licenses, overall data usage, etc.


We do recommend changing the password to your MSP360 MBS account to something more secure. You can do this by clicking “Organization” at the top bar and clicking “Users”.



You should find the User Account named “user”. Click on that to be brought to the Personal Info page which contains a “Change Password” button that will allow you to change the password of the account.



From here, you should be all set. Your backups are automated and your server data will shortly be secure in Backblaze B2.