Welcome to our Quickstart guide for Backblaze B2 and MSP360 Microsoft 365 Backup. With Backblaze B2 and MSP360 Microsoft 365 Backup, you will be able to automate your Microsoft 365 backup and secure it offsite. This guide will walk you through the required steps to set up your Microsoft 365 Backup to use with Backblaze B2 via MSP360.
NOTE: If you wish to back up multiple Microsoft 365 instances, please use our separate guide for multiple instance backup here.
Step 1: Setting up your Backblaze B2 account
To start, you will need to create a Backblaze B2 account. You can do this by clicking this link to our Backblaze B2 page and clicking the red “Sign Up Now” button.
Step 2: Creating a B2 bucket
After successfully creating your Backblaze account, we will now want to create a B2 bucket which is where your MSP360 Microsoft 365 backups will be stored on our end.
To start, click on the “Buckets” page in the left navigation menu:
Click on the “Create a Bucket” button and enter your desired bucket name. Please ensure you choose a globally unique name. Once you have entered a bucket name, leave all remaining settings unchanged.
You will then see the following screen after creating your new B2 bucket:
Step 3: Creating Application Keys
Before we move on to Microsoft 365 Backups with MSP360, there is one more step we should do which is to create an Application Key which will be covered next.
Once you click on the link shown in the screenshot above, you will be brought to the “Buckets” page. To create an application key, click on the “App Keys” section in the left navigation menu and click the “Add a New Application Key” button.
Type in the desired name of the key in the “Name of Key:” field. Leave the rest of the settings unchanged. Now click on the blue “Create New Key” button to create the new key that we will be using with the MSP360 Microsoft 365 backup client.
Once you have created the key, it will appear in a blue section (seen below). As you can see, the key will only be shown here once (refreshing or leaving this page will cause the key to not display again). It is advisable to save the key credentials offline in a safe place before leaving this page. Rest assured that you can easily create another application key entirely should you lose access to this one. Doing so will invalidate your previous keys.
Step 3: Setting up a Microsoft 365 Backup with MSP360 and creating a backup plan
From here, you will now sign into your MSP360 account on the MSP360 Backup website. Select either Personal Office 365 or Business Office 365.
Enter your Microsoft Office global administrator account credentials and click “Login”.
Accept the permissions.
Once you have accepted the permissions and sign in, click on the green user icon at the upper right corner to access the following dropdown menu and click "My Account":
- Next, click on the “Backup Destination” tab and select “Backblaze” as the Storage Type.
- In the "Name" field, enter the backup destination.
- Then you will enter the appropriate bucket name that you created earlier.
- You will then need to enter a Root Folder name which can be any name you choose as it will be created automatically upon starting the backup job.
- Next you will enter the application key credentials that you generated earlier, as well. keyID will go into “Account ID” and the applicationKey will go into “Application Key”.
- Finally, you can click on “Test Access” to verify the information entered is valid.
- Once the test is successful, click “Save” and you can run your initial backup manually or wait for a scheduled backup to initiate.
From here you should be all set to back up your Microsoft 365 instance!
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