Fixing your Permissions so Backblaze Settings will 'stick' (Windows) Fixing your Permissions so Backblaze Settings will 'stick' (Windows)

Fixing your Permissions so Backblaze Settings will 'stick' (Windows)

nathan nathan

Setting Permissions on the Backblaze Folder

If you have a problem getting your changes in the Backblaze settings to "stick", the most likely cause is an issue with the file permissions on the Backblaze folder. Backblaze needs to be able to write to the settings file when a user makes a change.

The steps for fixing the permissions and getting the Backblaze backup settings repaired are:

  1. Click the 'Start' button and go to 'Computer/My Computer'
  2. Go to C:/Program Files(86x)/Backblaze
  3. Right click on the folder, and select 'Properties'
  4. Click 'security' and set the permissions as follows for SYSTEM and ADMINISTRATORS




Settings Permissions on the Backblaze Data Folder:

  1. Click the 'Start' button and go to 'Computer/My Computer'
  2. Go to C:/ProgramData/Backblaze  *Note- this is a hidden folder, here is a walk-through on how to show hidden folders
  3. Right click on the folder, and select 'Properties'
  4. Click 'security' and set the permissions as shown above for SYSTEM and ADMINISTRATORS