Quickstart Guide for Ahsay and Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Quickstart Guide for Ahsay and Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage

Quickstart Guide for Ahsay and Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage

Dan Dan

AhsayCBS is a powerful backup tool that can utilize Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage as an object storage endpoint. This guide will show you how to add B2 Cloud Storage as a Predefined Destination in the AhsayCBS portal.


  1. Sign in to the AhsayCBS Portal in your browser.

  1. Go to Basic System Settings


  1. Go to Predefined Destinations and click the + button.

  1. Name your destination, select Backblaze as the Destination Storage, and input your Key ID and Application Key. Save the changes by clicking the green + in the bottom right section of the window.
    Keys are generated from the App Keys page on the Backblaze website. Learn how to generate your key pair here.

  1. Save the new Predefined Destination by clicking the Green Save icon (floppy disk) in the bottom right section of the window.




You are all done! After adding B2 as a predefined destination, this destination can be used in Policies.The destination can also be made visible to end-users who are using the AhsayOBM software. Once visible, B2 can be selected as the storage destination when setting up a backup. job. Learn more here.