Quickstart Guide for Commvault and Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Quickstart Guide for Commvault and Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage

Quickstart Guide for Commvault and Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage

Eric Adams Eric Adams


Backblaze B2 is a proud partner of Commvault and is certified to be a cloud storage target.

Link: Commvault - Supported Cloud Storage - S3 Compatible Object Storage Vendors


This guide will walk you through how to set up B2 cloud storage as a Commvault cloud storage target.  


Note: This guide assumes that you already have a working Commvault environment with hosts and backups and are on the latest version of Commvault Backup & Recovery Software.


Table of Contents

Get your B2 Application Key and S3 Endpoint

Configure B2 as Commvault Cloud Storage Target

Configure B2 as Commvault Cloud Storage Library For Commcell versions prior to v11sp17




Get your B2 Application Key and S3 Endpoint


1) Log in to your account at www.backblaze.com and click the Buckets in the left-hand column. Once here, click the Create a Bucket button.



2) Give your Bucket a unique name and click Create a Bucket.



3) You will now see your Bucket on the Buckets page. Note the S3 Endpoint listed here for use later when setting up B2 with Commvault.




4) Now click the App Keys in the left-hand column to navigate to the App Keys page and click Add a New Application Key.  




5) Give your key a name and leave the other default settings. Then click Create New Key.





6) In a blue box on the App Keys page you’ll now see the keyID and applicationKey listed here, along with the S3 Endpoint we saw when making the bucket.


Make sure you copy the keyID and applicationKey listed somewhere safe as the applicationKey will NOT be available again to view once you leave the page.





Configure B2 as Commvault Cloud Storage Target

Note: Configuration of the web console is recommended for the latest versions of Commcell v11. For instructions on creating a cloud Library in versions earlier than Commcell version 11sp17 please refer to those instructions later in this document.


1) Navigate to the Commvault web console in your browser and login.



2) Once logged in, navigate to:

  • Select Storage
  • Then Cloud
  • Click Add


3) Choose Cloud Storage



4) Enter the following fields



Enter a name identifying your cloud storage


Choose S3 Compatible Storage


Specify the MediaAgent you want to use

Service Host

Enter the endpoint address from your B2 bucket

(see step 3 of previous section)


Select the + and add the credentials you created previously in the Backblaze UI.


Enter the bucket name you created in the Backblaze UI.





5) Add the credentials for your Backblaze B2 storage you created earlier

  • Access Key ID = KeyID
  • Secret access key = applicationKey



6) Now that all the information has been entered, select Save at the bottom of the page. Your cloud storage is now configured. When creating or editing your backup job, choose the cloud storage you just added as your backup target.



Configure B2 as Commvault Cloud Storage Library

For Commcell versions prior to v11sp17


1) Once logged into your Commvault console, expand Storage Resources and Right-click Libraries. Then select Add > Cloud Storage Library > Cloud Storage as shown in the image below.





2) Enter the following fields:



Enter a name identifying your cloud storage


Choose S3 Compatible Storage


Specify the MediaAgent you want to use

Service Host

Enter the endpoint address from your B2 bucket

(see step 3 of the first section)


Select Create New, and add the credentials you created previously in the Backblaze UI.


Enter the bucket name you created in the Backblaze UI.




3) Enter the credentials:

  • Access Key ID = KeyID
  • Secret access key = applicationKey




4) Enter the bucket name, then select, Detect, to discover the bucket you created previously. Then click OK.




5) Now that you have added your cloud storage create a Storage Policy then edit or create a backupset and choose the cloud storage you just added as your backup target.