Moonwalk specializes in large-scale data management solutions, allowing users to define business policies for the archiving and fast retrieval of their data. Archival locations include both LAN and Cloud storage destinations.
1. On your server running the Moonwalk Agent, launch the Moonwalk S3 Plugin installer (ex. Moonwalk S3 Plug 12_10.exe), located in the Windows\Plugins directory in the Moonwalk installation directory. You may get a message that it is already installed.
2. Run the Moonwalk S3 Config Tool (ex. Moonwalk S3 Config 12_10.exe), located in the Config Tools directory in the Moonwalk installation directory.
3. Under your Windows Start menu, find the Moonwalk program group, and select Moonwalk S3 Config. Then select Generic S3 Endpoint, and click OK.
4. Check the box for Virtual Host Access, then enter your B2 Bucket's S3 Endpoint URL in the Server FQDN field, enter 443 for the S3 port and click HTTPS.
Enter your B2 Application Key and Key ID, then configure your bucket.
5. Click on Manage Buckets, and then select an existing bucket to use, or create a new bucket.
If you create a bucket, please note that although Backblaze B2 supports uppercase characters, Moonwalk bucket names may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes. Also, bucket names must be globally unique.
Then on the Manage Buckets screen, click the name of the bucket you will use, and then click close.
Note: Click “Get Migration URI” and save it to use in Step 10 below.
- A Migration URI is used to archive files to the cloud destinations via tiering rules.
- An Ingest URI is used when you want to copy or move files to the cloud in their native format with their original names. This, making them easy to browse or mount locally.
6. On the S3 Endpoint Configuration screen, click Enable encryption and then click Generate. This will generate encryption keys for client-side encryption, which is a mandatory step.
Enter your passphrase and click OK.
The passphrase must be at least 80 characters long, and it is important to save the passphrase in a secure location, such as your password vault.
You will be required to print the key Id that is generated, and save it in a secure place. If you don’t have a local or network printer connected to this server, then install Microsoft’s XPS Document printer feature, so save it as a PDF.
7. Click Save to save all changes. Changes will be saved to s3generic.cfg.
Ensure the s3generic.cfg file has been copied to the correct location on all Gateway
machines: C:\Program Files\Moonwall\data\Agent\s3generic.cfg
To restart the Moonwalk agent, go to the Administrative Tools program group, and click on Services.
Scroll down to Moonwalk Agent, then right-click and choose Restart. You will see a brief progress bar showing Windows is stopping the agent, and then restarting it.
8. Launch the Moonwalk Admin center. Click on the Windows Start icon, browse the list of programs and click on Moonwalk AdminCenter.
9. Click on the Sources menu, and then click the plus (+) sign to create a new source.
Enter name for the Source, and an optional Tag and Comment.
In the URI section on the same page, scroll down and select win as the URI type, to select a Windows directory on a server running the Fileserver Agent.
Then at the win:// prompt, enter the full name of your server, including the domain name, and press Enter. Then you will see the list of local drives and be able to browse to the source directory of your choosing.
In this example, The C: drive was selected, and then the Administrator’s Download directory.
The final URI will look like this
Then click on the Save icon in the top right corner.
10. Click on the Destinations menu, and then click the plus (+) sign to create a new destination.
Enter name for the destination, and an optional Tag and Comment.
In the URI section on the same page, scroll down and select s3generic as the URI type
You can’t browse S3 destination locations as you can with local sources, so you need to paste in the Migration URI you saved in Step 5.
Then click on the Save icon in the top right corner.
11. From the Admin menu, click on Rules and then click the plus (+) sign to create a new rule.
Enter name for the Source, and an optional Comment.
Note: Rules can be stacked together, and if you select more than one rule they are combined with an “AND” operation, not “OR”.
An Everything rule might be used for file system reporting or for ingest operations, whereas specific rules would be used for migrations typically.
12. From the Admin menu, click on Policies and then click the plus (+) sign to create a new policy.
Enter a policy name and optional comment.
Under Operation, select Migrate.
Select 1 or more rules. The rules are combined using an “And” operation.
You can click on simulate rule matching to visualize what the resulting file selection will be.
13. Tasks: From the Admin menu, click on Tasks, and then click the plus (+) sign to create a new task.
Enter a task name and optional comment.
14. Go to the Dashboard menu, select Quick Run, click run on the task.
15. Reviewing File System Status: You can view the status of the files in the Download directory by examining the attribute column. The attribute column is not visible by default.
Go to your Download directory, and right-click in the top row that shows “Type, Size, etc”. Click More, and then select Attributes and click OK.
The following attribute symbols describe the status of the files selected for migration to the cloud. As an example, a combination of L+O attributes means the file has been migrated. See more status symbols below.
A Archivable
P - Sparse file
L Reparsepoint
O Offline - data has been migrated
D Directory
The S3 Compatible API for Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage allows 1000’s of integrations to work with B2 Cloud Storage natively. If you’re new to the S3 Compatible API, please see our Getting Started Guide. If you have any trouble using Moonwalk with B2, please let us know by emailing us at
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