Canceling and Deleting a Backblaze Account Canceling and Deleting a Backblaze Account

Canceling and Deleting a Backblaze Account

Christopher Christopher

The steps to cancel an account will somewhat vary, based on the services that account is using. The steps to cancel for each service are below. If an account is using both the Online Backup and B2 Cloud Storage services, both sets of steps must be completed. 


Canceling the Online Backup service:

To cancel a personal Online Backup subscription, remove all registered backups and licenses. To remove a single backup and license, follow the steps below. Repeat for each backup and license pair to be deleted. 

  1. Visit and sign in to your Backblaze account with the registered email address and password.
  2. Select the "Preferences" link on the left side of the page.  
  3. Locate the backup to be deleted from the list available.
  4. Select the "Delete Backup" link next to the backup name. 
  5. Enter your account password when prompted. This action will immediately and irreversibly delete the backup data contained within, upon confirmation. 
  6. Select the "Overview" link from the left side of the page.
  7. In the "Unused License" area found at the bottom, select the "Delete" link and proceed with the deletion.


Canceling the B2 Cloud Storage service:


To fully delete, and not simply cancel the B2 service portion of your account, deleting buckets and their contents is no longer necessary. All user-created applications keys and snapshots must be deleted, but files and buckets will automatically be deleted along with the account. After all non-master application keys are deleted, you can move onto the "Deleting a Backblaze account" section of this article.


To cancel only the B2 cloud storage portion of an account, delete all of the files, buckets, and application keys under the account. Deleting a bucket will require the bucket first be empty. This guide details how the Backblaze CLI tool can be used to sync a bucket to an empty folder, to quickly delete all of the data, see Delete Files.

Once the bucket is empty, it can be deleted via the "Buckets" page. To locate that page, first sign in here:

After logging in, a link to the "Buckets" page is available along the left side. Lastly, after all the files and buckets have been deleted, delete any non-master application keys via the "App Keys" page. A link to this page is also available along the left side of the Backblaze website. 

For more information about deleting or cancelling a Backblaze B2 account, click here.


Deleting a Backblaze account: 

Once an account is inactive, the account may be deleted entirely. Deleting an account will prevent logins to the account immediately, as well as render access to any data within the account inaccessible. Should invoices or other account-level data be required for your records, that data should be downloaded prior to deletion. 


It is important to note that, in addition to the above conditions, an account must not be a member of a group, and must not have any groups for which they are an administrator in order to delete their account. Please reference our guides on Leaving a Group and Dissolving Group .

(please note, if you are the admin of a group for which there are other admins, another admin has the ability to remove you as an administrator, but if you are the sole admin, the group will need to be dissolved in order for you to no longer be the admin of that group) 


To complete the deletion of the Backblaze account, follow these steps: 

  1. Visit and sign in to your Backblaze account with the registered email address and password.
  2. Select the "My Settings" link on the left side of the page. 
  3. Locate and select the "Delete Account" link at the top of the "My Settings" page.
  4. You will then be asked to confirm the deletion by one of the following means, depending on what security measures have been implemented on your account:

    1. If you have an SSO login, a code will be sent to your email address
    2. If you have 2FV TOTP enabled, you will need to enter the code that is displayed in your app
    3. If you have 2FV SMS enabled, you will need to enter the code sent to your phone
    4. If you have a phone number registered to your account, you will need to enter the code sent to your phone
    5. If your email has been verified, a code will be sent to that registered email address
    6. If none of the above apply you will be asked to enter your account password

Please note: Codes for SMS and email can be resent. You will then have 2 minutes to complete the account deletion before you will be asked to verify again.