By default, files that are deleted, overwritten, or otherwise removed from the system backing up are retained in the Backblaze backup for 30 days, for the purpose of recovery. After 30 days, those files are deleted from the Backblaze backup as well.
With the introduction of our Extended Version History feature in October 2019, you can now retain data that has been deleted, overwritten, or otherwise removed from the computer being backed up for one year, or even forever. For more information, please see our Extended Version History page here.
Articles in this section
- Unsupported Operating System
- Personal Backup Software Release Notes
- Beginner's Guide to Personal/Online Backup
- Is Backblaze able to seed backups?
- Can I prevent backup from using wifi or other networks?
- Does Backblaze Have a Support Service Level Agreement?
- How does Backblaze handle large files?
- What happens if I rename or replace an external drive?
- Issues Report
- What Happens If I Delete A File From My Computer?