As part of our terms of service, we also offer our Data Processing Addendum (DPA).  This article outlines the purpose of our DPA.

Our DPA and the GDPR

Our Data Processing Agreement is intended to comply with the requirements set forth in the GDPR regarding our responsibilities in securing and protecting the privacy of the stored data we host.  We retain the right to update the DPA as needed to stay in compliance with the GDPR and other such rules and regulations which may affect how we store data.

What our DPA covers

The DPA covers the data that a customer stores with Backblaze when using our services.  We call this stored data.  Backblaze is considered the processor for the processing of this data.

What does the DPA mean to a Backblaze customer?

When a customer creates a Backblaze account they accept our Terms of Service.  The Data Processing Agreement is an addendum to the Terms of Service.  As such, the DPA is now part of the Terms of Service for all existing customers and for all new customers going forward.