How to use B2 data caps & alerts How to use B2 data caps & alerts

How to use B2 data caps & alerts

Casey Casey

The B2 Caps & Alerts section is an area for you to limit the charges that can occur per day, due to storage, downloads or transaction usage.

What is a data cap?

A data cap in B2 is a limit that can be placed on the amount of money that is spent per day in each of four categories.

The four different categories that can be have a limit set on them are as follows:

  1. Daily Storage Caps
  2. Daily Download Bandwidth Caps
  3. Daily Class B Transaction Caps
  4. Daily Class C Transaction Caps

In each category there are a certain amount of free transactions. If you stay within these boundaries you will not be charged and each category is reset at 12AM GMT each day.

In the storage category you will only be charged for data larger than 10 GB stored per day.

Downloads have 1 GB of free downloads per day.

2,500 Class B Transactions are free transactions are free each day.

2,500 Class C Transactions are free transactions each day.

(Class A transactions are free.) 

Where do I see my caps & alerts settings?

To access the Caps & Alerts tool you will need to sign in to Backblaze.

Under the left hand Navigation for B2 Cloud Storage click Caps & Alerts, you will see the page below:

How do I set my data caps?

Setting the data caps in the Backblaze portal is a simple process. 

You will click on Caps & Alerts in the navigation, then click on the blue button that reads, "Edit Caps."

This will bring you to the screen displayed below:

Here you will simply put in how much money, is the maximum amount that you will want to spend per day for each category.

Be aware, that not setting caps will result in an unlimited amount of use, and an unlimited amount of charges that can be accrued as well.


Alerts are triggered by the data caps reaching 75% and 100% of the cap value that is set.

To set the alert you will need to be on the caps and alert page.

Then check one or both of the methods that you can be contacted by text, or email.





If for any reason you do not see the B2 Cloud Storage heading on the left, you will need to turn on B2 in your settings.

Under Account click My Settings, then check mark B2 Cloud Storage under Enable Products.