Cloud Replication FAQ Cloud Replication FAQ

Cloud Replication FAQ

Lin Lin

What is Cloud Replication?

Backblaze’s Cloud Replication feature automatically replicates objects to one or more buckets within regions or between regions. This feature serves multiple use cases, such as ensuring data set copies are geographically distributed, reducing concentration risk, serving compliance needs, or moving data closer to end users for faster access irrespective of edge infrastructure.


What is the cost to replicate data?

Backblaze does not charge service or egress fees for replication. Standard Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage rates apply to replicated data storage.


Does it cost more to store data in different regions? 

Backblaze data storage costs do not differ from one region to another, and you do not incur any service or egress fees. Standard Backblaze B2 rates apply to replicated data storage.


How do I create a replication rule?

You can view this support article for help setting up a replication rule. 


Why do I need an additional Backblaze account to replicate my data in a different region?

Backblaze B2 was designed for an account to tie to a single region. Therefore, to replicate data to a different region, you must create an additional account for that different region. Setting up this additional account is quick and easy, and does not require that you speak with a Sales or Support resource.


I have an existing Backblaze account with data in one region, and I created a new Backblaze account in another region. Can I replicate my data from the original region to the new region? 

You can use the Backblaze B2 Cloud Replication feature to copy the data from one region to another region.

Notes to consider: Replicated data cannot be replicated again. Therefore, Backblaze recommends that you use this feature only if you intend to keep your source account. Hidden files from the original region may not be hidden in the new region. For more information, see Cloud Replication or, if you have more than 50 TB of data, contact sales for assistance.


If I have data in different regions, how do I centrally manage my Backblaze B2 accounts?

You can create a Group and enable Backblaze B2 for the group. Invite your source account and your destination account to this group. Create a replication rule in the source account to replicate the objects that are in that account’s bucket to a bucket in the destination account. Billing for storage and egress fees for downloaded files are charged to the group. There are no egress fees for data replication. For more information about Groups, see Creating a Business Group.

Note: Groups apply only to consumption-based accounts. The Groups feature is currently not supported for B2 Reserve accounts.


How long will it take my data to replicate?

Replication times can vary based on the number of files you replicate. Initial replication of a large data set usually takes longer than a subsequent replication. For subsequently uploaded files, replication begins when you upload a new file to a replication-enabled bucket. For existing files, replication occurs each day at midnight UTC. If the replication fails with a non-fatal error, the replication retries after midnight UTC the following day.


What is the status of my replication rule, and how can I check it? 

You can check the status of your replication rule from the source account on a file-by-file basis. For more information, see How to Check the Status of a Replication Rule.


What is the difference between deleting and pausing a replication rule?

When you create a replication rule, it automatically replicates per the logic of the rule. To stop the replication, you must pause or delete the rule.


On the Cloud Replication page, the options to either “Pause” or “Delete” the rule are displayed for the rule you created. 


Pausing the rule stops the replication while retaining the rule that you created. Pausing the rule also allows you to resume replicating files at any time from the point at which you pause the rule without your files requiring re-evaluation. 

Deleting the rule also stops the replication rule and is a good option if you no longer intend to replicate to the destination bucket. If you delete the rule, you must recreate the entire rule again. 

Please note: Deleting a replication rule does not remove any of the data in the source bucket or any of the data that was already replicated to the destination bucket. You must manually delete any data that you want to remove from the source or destination buckets. For more information, see Delete All Files in a Bucket.


Does the Cloud Replication service replicate metadata?

Metadata of newly uploaded objects is replicated at the time of replication. However, please note subsequent changes to the metadata in the source bucket are not replicated to the destination bucket.


What are the restrictions and limitations of Cloud Replication?

Cloud Replication is not built to serve every use case. The following list provides cases in which the feature is not recommended or is limited to specific scenarios: 

  • Setting manual data caps is not recommended.
  • Replication chaining is not possible.
  • Only two rules can be set per bucket for replication.
  • File IDs are not replicated. Therefore, Veeam backup replication is not currently supported.
  • Files with metadata greater than 2,048 bytes are not replicated.
  • Hide markers and deleted files are not replicated.
  • SSE-C or encryption managed by the client is not supported.
  • Metadata changes are not replicated.

For more information, see Restrictions and Limitations of Cloud Replication.