5 + 1 Reasons Installations Fail (and how to fix them)

Most installations of the Backblaze Backup Client succeed, but sometimes, they don’t.

What Does Failure Look Like?

Failed installations present in two ways. The most common is that the software does not install (and leaves a message, either in the log or on-screen), that it has failed. Less obviously, the software appears to install and hang while analyzing the drive structure. Reasons for this fall into two categories. Something actively prevents the installation, or a permission is held locked by another process.

Backblaze Support (available at https://www.backblaze.com/help.html) is ready to help identify, and resolve the issue. Our support engineers have identified some common issues that can interfere with Backblaze installation. 

Common Sources of Installation Issues

1. Antivirus Software

The backup client wants access to the full disk (so it can back up user data). Unfortunately, this access pattern is also common for malware, so active antivirus programs may block its installation. Fix this by turning off the antivirus for the installation, and then turn it on again.

2. Firewall Software

The backup client wants to access Backblaze storage to store backup data; it needs access to the internet to do so. Fix this by adding a rule to the firewall to prevent the firewall from blocking Backblaze.

3. Network Monitoring Software

Especially at first, Backblaze Backup sends a great deal of encrypted data to Backblaze while creating backups. Some network monitors detect this as unusual, and shut the program down. Fix this by disabling the network monitor.

4. Conflicting Backup Software

In some cases, having existing backup software running can cause the Backblaze installation to fail. Fix this by pausing the other backup software, or if that does not work, stopping it altogether.

5. Insufficient Permissions on User Directories

The installer needs read, write, and execute permission to install itself.

Macintosh: To see the default permissions mask, enter umask at a terminal prompt. The result on a Mac should be 0022.

Windows: The Program directory should have all permissions available to System (Administrator).

Fixing permissions issues should be done in conjunction with an IT administrator, who has presumably changed them from the default.

6. An Account Already Exists

Part of the automated and silent installation methods involves creating an account for the user, and associating the machine with that user. Sometimes, that user has already created an account. Adding another machine to an existing account requires that account’s credentials. Fix this by either have the user run the software interactively (so the user can provide credentials), or download a customized installer from Backblaze.

To download a customer installer, log into the user’s Backblaze account, and navigate to https://secure.backblaze.com/download.htm