Encrypting Files in B2 Encrypting Files in B2

Encrypting Files in B2

Christopher Christopher

Encrypting files in B2

Backblaze Online Backup has been encrypting customer data by default from the day it shipped in 2008. The files are encrypted on the user’s computer, transferred to Backblaze via an encrypted SSL connection, and stored in the encrypted format. In fact, there is no way to turn it off. Flash forward to 2016, we’ve now encrypted billions of files and decrypted millions of files. The way encryption works in the online backup product is described on the Backblaze blog.

Server-Side Encryption can be enabled on B2 buckets. You can find out more about our Server-Side Encryption and how it works in our Server Side Encryption FAQ and Enabling Server Side Encryption guide.

For B2, encryption had to be optional. Some use cases would require encryption, some would not. For an example implementation of encryption with B2, refer to this guide on github.