Administrating a Group Account Administrating a Group Account

Administrating a Group Account

Christopher Christopher

Users & Computers

Administrators can see Group Members’ account details and any alerts that they may have on their account. To get started, please log in to your Administrator account on and navigate to the “Users & Computers” section.




Once on the Users & Computers section, you will be able to select which Group you want to see information for, and will get a synopsis of that Group in the upper region, including how many members the group has, the number of computers, and the number of alerts, if there are any.


Issues, like a missing computer, will display an alert bell next to the computer’s name, indicating that there is a problem with that machine. You can get more information about alerts by pressing on the bell next to the computer which is having issues.




If you need assistance with resolving the alert, please write in to Backblaze Support.

Account Details

If you would like to see specific details about a member’s backup, please click on the “Details” link next to the machine you would like more information for. This will display information such as: Backup Status, Backup Settings, and what version of Backblaze they are running.



*Please note, the data on this page may not immediately reflect changes on the member’s machine.


Accessing a Group Member's Account


As an administrator, you are able to essentially login to a user's account via the "Users & Computers" page





Once there, click on the silhouette icon next to the user's name, and select "manage user account"





Once you have selected this, it will let you into the user's account to view backups, create restores, etc. The username of the user whose account you are managing will be displayed at the top of the page with an option to return to your Admin view, as well as at the top of the account details.




Removing a Group Member

If you would like to remove a member from your Group, you can do so by clicking on the person icon to the right of their email address, and pressing “Remove from Group”. Once removed, the member will get a notification stating that they are no longer a member of your Group and that they need to add a payment method to their Backblaze account in order for service to be uninterrupted.




Updating Account Information on Behalf of a Group Member

As a group admin, you are able to update a user's password, email address, or phone number on their behalf. However, making changes to any of these three things will require that you know the user's current password in order to make these changes.




Please note: As an admin, you cannot delete a user's account or remove the user's account from the group while logged in as the user as shown above.